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Because most disease starts in the bowel,

the Miracle Cleanse is a preventative system against chronic illness.  The Miracle Cleanse is a nourishing and gentle cleanse, made from Ayurvedic and Native American herbs, plants and minerals. It provides an abundance of raw earth and sea based ingredients to eliminate toxic intestinal buildup. When this buildup

is removed, your entire body will be more

efficient in metabolizing on a cellular level,

which in turn, may spur weight loss.


The Miracle Cleanse also alkalizes the body with live food based vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, vitamin factors and co-factors. By drawing toxins out of the bowels and adding critical nutrients, the Miracle Cleanse makes fasting more effective. It is imperative that you begin the cleansing process with the elimination

of toxicity before taking supplements. This is the ideal way to enhance immune system function and set a clean slate for long-term health and longevity.

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